Collecting art is not something that just anyone does these days. It is the hobby of individuals who are incredibly interested in fine arts. Baryn Futa is one such individual, but he is all too aware that not everyone shares his profound appreciation. The thing is, that everyone enjoys art in one way or another and the artists who create it must be supported. Baryn Futa realizes this and has answered the call to support the fine arts in a major way. Baryn Futa is an patron of the arts and collector who has spent a considerable amount of time on refining his taste. He has discovered that he has a love for contemporary art in time based media, meaning video. Baryn Futa has learned a great deal about the fine arts in the past couple of years.

Baryn Futa has not always been interested in the arts. It’s actually a field that he only took an interest in after his retirement. It was a field that immediately grabbed his intention and he knew that he had to know more. Baryn Futa’s first exposure to the fine arts was when he volunteered with the Denver Art Museum. After that, Baryn Futa’s fuse was lit and the explosion of learning about the arts would go on for a long time after that. Baryn Futa began devouring every lesson about the fine arts that he could find, including taking online classes and classes in brick and mortar schools.

Baryn Futa also went to art fairs, became a member of numerous art museums, and began an art collection that is still expanding today. Baryn Futa has been a benefactor to dozens of artists over the years. He dominantly supports the work of contemporary artists utilizing time-based media.